Alternate Concept: The Boulder Glass Pavillion
Let’s clear something up right away: We want the very best for the Civic Use Pad. As we’ve said all along, we’re not against development of this space, but we’re adamant that the final project respect the initial civic intent for the space.
This alternative suggestion offers a number of advantages:
- It is very close to the the 35,000 square foot structure that was originally discussed with city officials vs. the nearly 60,000 square foot building now being proposed.
- Our proposed alternative is both set back from the surrounding streets – which preserves walkability between the Pearl Street Mall and the civic space at the Boulder Library – as well as being built in a “layer cake” design to make the space feel far more open.
- This design will not disrupt views of the Flatirons for downtown businesses, visitors or residents. The much larger, blocky proposal from the St. Julien can’t make the same claim.
- Boulder is unique and innovative and should insist on unique additions to the skyline, not simply buildings that could be in any city in the world. This would be a beautiful and eye-catching addition to downtown Boulder that would truly be an “only in Boulder” structure, further enhancing the desirability of the downtown area.
- A glass pavillion concept would be much more in line with Boulder’s climate and GHG reduction goals.
- This design would be open to the community, but still be run by the St. Julien.